There are a few developments with AzureWatch, an autoscaling and performance monitoring service for Windows Azure applications, that you may be interested in:

  • We have a new Q&A support forum, with friendly design inspired by  I invite you all to participate, not only if you have AzureWatch specific questions, but also if your questions are about Windows Azure in general.  Our goal is to have this forum serve as another place to brainstorm autoscaling, monitoring, or other important Windows Azure-related architectural strategies.
  • Work continues on the mobile version of AzureWatch that is geared toward showing statistics and reports on smartphones and tablets running HTML5!
  • I will be demonstrating AzureWatch at the Azure Users Group on June 8th, 2011.  Join me!
  • Latest version of AzureWatch released into production over this weekend contains a small but handy new dashboard snippet that shows color-coded Ready statuses of all your monitored Azure instances.


Instance Statuses on Dashboard